Two years ago, it all started with Rapture:
A year ago, Genesis gave us Jess Jaco's side of the story.
Now, the last installment has arrived. But Purgatory is more than just a short thriller.
1. The end of Rapture saw a hopeful new "family" leaving the confines of the St. Martin's school. Expect to reunite with *some* of the survivors--and expect to revisit the nearly demolished school.
2. The first installment was very heavy on the horror, supernatural aspect, and sexuality of the nun. The second, however, was very dark but without all the sex. What will the finale entail?
ANSWER: It's heavy on the horror and suspense--but there's also quite a lot of romance (more on that later).
3. Who is Gregory Bowers?
The nun was the narrator in Rapture, the maniacal Jaco was the narrator in Genesis, so who is the story-teller in the 3rd installment?
ANSWER: Gregory Bowers is a detective who gets in way over his head while investigating the case. He's a man with a tragic past, which makes him very sympathetic to the nun's story. He, very quickly, develops an odd fixation on her based on her diary.
4. Gregory has a female partner. Is there a Scully/Mulder vibe between them?
ANSWER: Gregory and Vivian are definitely on a kind of X-Files investigation, and their relationship changes over the course of the story. It may have a little Scully/Mulder vibe, but the romance (hint-hint) doesn't take 9 seasons.
5. We will see more of the nun in Purgatory?
YES--she will make an appearance, as will another familiar face that we saw in Rapture.
6. Is Jaco really still alive?
His fate seemed sealed at the end of Rapture, but the end of Genesis saw a different outcome. We'll find out exactly who died and who made it out in the 3rd installment. Trust me.
7. What's the nun's name?
It was revealed in Genesis that her name is Claudia.
8. Is Ralphie still alive?
All will be revealed in about 6 weeks...
9. Is there a release date for Purgatory?
Yes. May 20th. Get ready!!! Follow me on Amazon for new release info:
November 24, 2013— Motel room of G. Bowers, Merrick Inn
The more time I spend with Derrick, the more I think about Claudia.
Is it wrong for me to fantasize about a woman I’ve never met or even seen? Is it wrong that in my
darkest hour, I close my eyes and think of her?
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